Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier Granulated sugar

Date:2021-10-08 17:04:48 | Views:

Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierGranulate Sugar is a very common and common pulverizer. It has a wide range of applications involving many industries.

How to install Multiple Classify Wheel ClassifierGranulate, you can help you. 1. Chinese medicine shredder should be more smooth and easier to use. 2. Before working in traditional Chinese grinding machines, a clean processing material must be selected. Hard metal, such as metal or stones, can not be mixed into the machine, so as not to damage parts or faults. 3. Before the machine is opened, check whether the components of the machine are firm and reliable. Everything is normal, so you can work. 4, turn on the power, turn for 1-2 minutes, check whether the operation is normal, normal conditions, can put the material. When the crusher is working, the operator cannot leave. Once the sound is abnormal, the power supply should be disconnected immediately. In the new pulverizer raw material, the exit is fixed with a long bag. 5. When using the pulverizer, if the power supply voltage is too low, do not use it to avoid damage to the motor. The power supply is used normally, it is not easy to damage, and the production efficiency is high.

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