Ring Roller Crusher with Refractory Clay Ore

Date:2022-01-14 11:47:31 | Views:

In this economically booming area, there are many people who know the air current pulverizer, Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay ORE technology is in a leading position in the same industry.

Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay ORE includes drive motor, pulverizing wheel, fine powder and coarse powder exit, raw material inlet and two air imports. In addition, it is widely used and is a very good machine. Vertical air pulverizer can be used in squares, crystalline stone, quartz, gypsum, silica, corundum, cement, alumina, etc., which plays an important role.

ALPA Trimage Material Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay OOR Case Sharing: The company requires a three-dimensional material ultrafine pulverizer, and our Alpa's Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay ORE is also well known in the industry. There is a lot of proportion in the industry. Through experiments, the company purchased a Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay OR of our company.

Technical parameters:

Finished product particle size: D50: 10μm
Production capacity: 5-10kg / h

The use of Ring Roller Crusher With Refractory Clay OOR has the following life and quality privacy Point:

1. Nature of the material.

In general, the pulverizer can accommodate all brittle materials, but due to the different material properties, the pulverization performance is also different. Due to the intensity, density, hardness, viscosity, shape and electrical performance of different materials, inevitable The difference in crushing effect is caused, wherein the strength of the material is an important factor, while the material that is too high can also result in a decrease in the life of the gas flow grinding.
2. Use time.
If the crusher is working continuously, it will also affect the service life of gas flow grinding, greatly increasing its failure probability.

The equipment market is rapidly changed. At present, the airflow classifier has certain needs in the market, but the society is constantly evolving, no matter what industry needs to keep pace with the times, they can lead the industry. .

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