Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine granule

Date:2021-10-08 17:04:56 | Views:

Many friends who want to produce industrialized are certainly unfamiliar with Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine Granule, Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine Granule has convenient, fast pulverity, and crush product quality, it is a very Used pulverizer.

In the production process of crushing using Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier For Pine Granule, the ultrasonic air flow generated by the device can constantly collide with the material, and this supersonic airflow can also be The raw material produces a good impact, and then the material can also have a good crushing effect with the inner wall of the equipment.

What are the characteristics of Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine Granule? Ultrafine gas flow classifier, especially for brittle materials, the hardness of the material is suitable in Moglide 1-3, such as graphite, kaolin, quartz and other non-metallic minerals. Due to the high speed of the microcomputer, the intake air is large, is used to grind heat sensitive materials, synthetic resins, sulfur, pesticides, food, Chinese herbal medicine, phosphoric acid, magnesium carbonate and other items.

Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine Granule generates certain noise during production, the main reason for generating noise is: (1) When the coal mill is running at high speed, the operating member drives air to generate a "whistle" call. : (2) The equipment is running. The sound of vibration is generated; (3), the rubbing between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction. For noise generated, the main solution is as follows: (1) add lubricating oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalign, adjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing; (2) The heat generated during the crushing process also produces noise Cooling through the crushing chamber water cooled cooling, the muffler is mounted in the air intake port of the pulverization chamber; (3) damping the damping pad and other devices.

If you still have questions, you canDirectly contact ALPA Technology Co., Ltd., the company's leading product Multiple Classify Wheel Classifier for Pine Granule system currently has successfully applied successful application in the graded granules of dry airflow classifies, breaking through the boundaries of dry grading, equipment system in rare earth Polishing powder, metal powder, silver powder, tungsten powder, alumina, battery material, ceramic powder, carbonyl nickel powder, iron powder, toner, resin, pigment, mica powder, cosmetics and other industries have obtained extensive applications, warmly welcome users Come to consult and purchase, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is a suitable for you!

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