FL Multiple-stage Classifier in Series of Modified starch

Date:2021-09-30 17:24:46 | Views:

With the continuous development of pulverizer technology, Fl Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series of Modified Starch has gradually penetrated into people's daily lives.

Fl Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series of Modified Starch is a high-performance, especially high-end powder materials, especially high-end powder materials, can provide high performance that other forms of grading equipment can be provided. The grading effect can obtain more than three different particle size ranges of more than three different particle size ranges, which can be obtained by narrower particle size and higher peaks, and greatly improve the added value of powder raw materials; there is a wide range of applications in metal and non-metallic fields.

The main performance characteristics of the airflow pulverizer: 1, it includes vertical grading equipment, product size D97: 8 150 microns adjustable, good particle shape, narrow particle size distribution. It can be used in series with multi-stage classifiers, or producing multiple granular products at a time. 2, the device is disassemble and cleaning, the inner wall is smooth, no dead angle. The entire system is closed, less dust, low noise, clean and hygienic production process. 3. The control system uses program control and easy to operate.

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