FL Multiple-stage Classifier in Series precipitated silica

Date:2021-09-30 17:24:50 | Views:

Fl Multiple-Stage Classifier In Seriesprecipitated Silica has the characteristics of small size, light weight, high efficiency, no dust, cleaning, easy to operate, beautiful modeling, etc. The pulverized tank and the blade are made of stainless steel. It can complete the crushing and fine powder in 3 seconds - 2 minutes. It can quickly crush a variety of Chinese herbal medicines and most of the food, wide and wide, and different nature materials can be very smashed. Loss, smash different materials will not be stronger. Such as Western ginseng, ginseng, three seventh, placenta, bary, pearl, white peony, mung bean, soy, sesame, rice, corn, etc.

Any mechanical equipment that has certain precautions before use, must check the precautions to minimize the damage rate, so FL Multiple-Stage Classifier In SeriesPrecipitated Silic What preventive measures before use? 1. Check whether the firmware is tightened before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine. 2, lubrication should be carried out as required to make the machine to operate normally. 3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinder is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer. 4. Do not treat foreign matter in time to avoid damage to the tool. 5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss. 6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked regularly.

For more information, please pay attention to Shandong ALPA Powder Technology Co., Ltd., the company mainly airflow pulverizer, airflow mill, pharmaceutical gas flow crusher, disc air pulverizer, eddy current pulverizer.

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