Single Classifying Wheel Classifier of Pine granule

Date:2021-10-18 11:13:31 | Views:

In this economically flourished area, many people know that Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Pine Granule, crusher technology is in a leading position in the same industry.

Single Classifying Wheel Classifier OF PINE GRANULE Transformed as a high-pressure air flow of pulverization kinetic energy into a crushing cavity peripheral, the airflow distribution station, airflow passed the Ravar nozzle accelerated ultrasonic speed airflow into the crushing room After that, the material and the venturi nozzle enters the crushing chamber to synchronize acceleration. The acute angle of the Raval nozzle mounts the crushing chamber, so the flow cycle of the jet of the broken chamber and the animal feed, the particles are hit, collide, friction, and grind. The fine particles were opened into the center of the pulverizer, and the cyclone separator was entered into the drive of the heart gas, and the coarse powder was thrown to the periphery of the pulverizer, and cycled under the action of centrifugation and continued to be pulverized.

Single Classifying Wheel Classifier of Pine Granule Working Principle: The power of the machine uses purification and dry compressed air. The compressed air is sprayed to the crushing chamber at high speed over a special supersonic nozzle. The airflow has a high speed movement of the material, causing strong collision, friction and shear between materials and materials, thereby achieving breaking. Outlet, enter the collection system. The pulverized material rises into the classification chamber to meet the particle size required by the particle size, and the particles do not reach the particle size required to continue pulverization. The entire production process is fully closed, continuous operation, no dust pollution, purified by dust removal, filtration.

Single Classifying Wheel Classifier of Pine Granule produces certain noise during production, the main reason for generating noise is: (1) When the coal mill is running, the operating component drives air to generate a "whistle" call. : (2) The equipment is running. The sound of vibration is generated; (3), the rubbing between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction. For the cause of noise, the main solution is as follows: (1) add lubricating oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalignmentAdjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing; (2) The heat generated during the crushing process also generates noise, and cools by the pulverizing chamber water cooled sleeve, the muffler is mounted in the air intake port of the pulverizer; (3) vibration damping of the damping pad and other equipment .

ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. developed super fine classification machine, precision classifier, etc., can effectively protect the purity and accuracy of grading products, if you need to purchase related equipment, please feel free to contact us. .

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