Vertical Air Classifier of Granulated sugar

Date:2021-10-19 13:08:46 | Views:

Everyone knows that choosing a product or service, to learn from all aspects of the milling machine processing, service, quality, etc.

Vertical Air Classifier of Granulated Sugar temperature increases, when the temperature of the working fluid is too high, the flow rate of the gas will increase. Taking air as an example, the critical speed at room temperature is 320 m / sec, and when the temperature rises to 480 ° C, the critical speed can be increased to 500 m / sec, that is, the kinetic energy increases by 150%. Therefore, increasing the temperature of the working fluid is conducive to improving pulverization. The pressure of the working fluid is the main parameters of the jet speed, but also the main parameters affecting the fineness of the break. Typically, the higher the pressure of the working fluid, the faster the speed, the greater the kinetic energy. When the titanium powder is pulverized by overheating steam, the vapor pressure is typically from 0.8 to 1.7 MPa, and generally the pulverized calcined material is high, and the material after the pulverized surface is low.

The following is to teach you how to buy your favorite crusher equipment. First, let us know what is crushing equipment? Of course, several search engines such as Baidu, 360 have launched a pulverizer. In fact, the pulverizer is a machine that crushes large-scale solid feedstock to the desired size. By introducing a pulverizer, everyone should know the use of the pulverizer. Then next step is what kind of crusher should we choose? There are many types of pulverizer, such as some tough or fibrous materials and loose materials, which are usually used for cutting the external force of the solid; like some brittle materials, usually the external force of the impact solid; the ultrafine pulverization operation can apply a broken solid External force; further pulverization operation after pulverization operation requires grinding solids, mainly for ultrafine pulverization or super large pulverization equipment. Depending on the size of the crushing material or the crushing material, the pulverized apparatus can be divided into crude crushing equipment, pulverized equipment and ultrafine pulverized equipment. The crushing equipment required for different industries is also different. Metallurgical, building materials, chemical, mine, road construction, water conservancy and hydropower, refractory, steel and other industries, the crushing processing of mineral products in the steel and other industries is generally suitable for large crushers; like food, chemical, pharmaceutical, greening, health and other materials crushing treatment Suitable for small crushers. I hope everyone can simply understand the working principle of the crusher, which has a great help to everyone! I hope that the above can help the entrepreneur you want to buy a crushing equipment.

AlPa is a professional powder gas flow crusher factory, model complete, quality assurance, high quality, sell well, easy to operate, powder airflow crusher, welcome new and old customers to consult!

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