Multiple-stage Classifier in Series for Natural flake graphite

Date:2021-10-21 11:14:39 | Views:

When Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series For Natural Flake Graphite screening material, the screen has good universality under the pressure of the rotating duct. At the same time, under the gravity of the air blower, the screen collects the qualified material, automatically discharges the material in the front cavity of the valve body by the unloading valve. The raw material powder driven by the compressed air is continuously supplied to the classifier without the need for rotating components. Through the precise control of the airflow into three products: F fine powder, m powder and G coarse powder, and collected in subsequent cyclone dust collectors and dust collectors. The material is driven by the blower of the airflow pulverizer. The lowermost inlet of the classifier is moved upward to the hierarchical area, the strobe, the strongest centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation grade turbine. The fine particles that satisfy the particle size are entered into the cyclone separator or dust collector by the gap of the grading wheel blades. After collecting, some fine particles of the crude particles disappear and drops along the cylinder wall to two air ports. The crude particles and fine particles are separated by strong purification of the two winds, and the fine particles rises twice as the grade region, and the crude particles fall to the discharge exit.

What kind of performance characteristics have Multiple-Stage Classifier in Series for Natural Flake Graphite? This classification device adds vertical grading devices in design and research and development, and the particle size of product production can be achieved 97 The fine tuning between -150 mm and can produce a good particle shape, a narrow distribution, and a plurality of particle segments. There is also a classifying machine that will be more rapidly and more rapidly than previous products, and there is no dead angle. The entire system is closed, the dust is less, the noise is low, and the production process is clean and environmentally friendly.

For Multiple-Stage Classifier In Series for Natural Flake Graphite blocking troubleshooting, Xiaobian talks about your opinion, I hope to have some reference to you. Crushes blockage is the most common fault of machinery. It may be one of the most common failures in mechanical design, but because improper operation can cause many faults. (1) The feeding speed is too fast, the load is increased, causing clogging. Aquatic productDuring the process, pay attention to the deflection angle of the current table pointer at any time. If the rated current is exceeded, the motor overload and long-term overload will burn the motor. This situation should be reduced or closed immediately, but it can also be changed by increasing the feed speed to control the feed speed. Because the energy rolling mill is fast, the load is large, and the load fluctuates. Therefore, the current of the rolling mill is generally controlled around 85% of the rated current. (2) The incisor of the discharge tube is different or the interference is too fast, and the universal crusher is blocked, and the conveying equipment does not match, resulting in weakening or calm of the drainage pipe. In order to find a fault, we must first clarify the export transport equipment, not change, adjust the amount of feed, and the normal operation of the equipment. (3) The water content, aging, screening, crushing and sealing material of the hammer hammer are too high, and the general grinding will be blocked. There is a need to regularly update the working state of the hammer aging and the serious aging, and check the screen regularly. Improve the production efficiency of universal grinding machines, improve the reliability of non-clogging and grinding.

If the later period is intentional for ultrafine classifiers, precision classifiers, jet classifiers, you can directly contact us, product quality is guaranteed, fair price, perfect service, welcome everyone to buy!

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