Multiple-stage Classifier in Series Polyethylene terephthalate

Date:2021-10-22 09:45:54 | Views:

Multiple-Stage Classifier In SeriesPolyethylene TerephthaleTe Technology is one of the important basic technologies in the modern industry. In the modern industry, it is required to have a small and uniform particle size and higher purity in a powder state. The raw material has a change in nature, which has a broader application range,

With the increasing social needs, Multiple-Stage Classifier In SeriesPolyethylene Terephthalate is facing the performance, product quality and other aspects. Have a huge challenge. Therefore, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. persisted unremitting, continuously improving the ultrafine grade strength, particle size distribution, particle crystal form and other regulation and control technology to achieve more production. AlPa, strive to achieve low-energy consumption, high production, high yield, non-pollution, achieve good granularity, dispersion, unique and potential performance of the product, improve the competitiveness of powder classifier, enhance environmental protection and low power performance .

Let's talk about how to use Multiple-Stage Classifier In SeriesPolyethylene Terephthalate. First, prepare before booting the host, attachment machine, pipeline, and valve, whether it is intact, whether it is normal jobs. Second, open 1. On the compressor power supply, the pressure valve and the main air valve of the dust collector, then turn on the power switch of the powder machine, and turn on the power. 2. The zero start classification wheel is gradually adjusted to the specified speed. 3. Turn on the fan, the cyclone separator discharge, dust removal, feed motor power, and then turn on the total power supply of the tube bar, set the inverter frequency, and then begins to break. 4. The granularity of the finished wheel can be adjusted by grading wheel frequencies and charging. Third, the sequence of shutdown is: inverter - feeder - Main valve - Compressor - Steady wheel motor - Cyclone discharge, dust removal switch - Fan - Total Power - Air Compressor. Fourth, repair 1. The motor should be lubricated regularly, but the grease should not be too large, the bearing temperature is too high. 2. Hierarchical impeller, spiral feeder, crushing nozzle wear should pay attention to check, belt tight and suitable. 3. Crush material toAfter a certain period of time, you should remove the inner sticky of the chalk, so as to avoid clogging, thereby affecting the crushing effect. 4. After the filter bag is a period of time, it should be cleaned or replaced. 5. Precautions 1. When the discharge device is running, the unloading port cannot be extended to avoid accidents. 2. The rotational speed of the impeller must not exceed the specified requirements, otherwise the temperature is too high, the impeller and electricity will be damaged. 3. Regularly check the safety valve to ensure safety.

ALPA is a professional powder airflow mill manufacturer, the model is complete, the quality assurance, high quality, sell well nationwide, easy to operate, powder airflow mill, welcome new and old customers to consult!

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