Multiple-stage Classifier in Series precipitated silica

Date:2021-10-22 09:46:06 | Views:

In the classification operation of industrial production at this stage, the use of Multiple-Stage Classifier In SeriesPrecipitated Silica is mainly for the effective crushing of solid particles, and it is also a common use of us in the ultrafine pulverization process. equipment.

What are the characteristics of Multiple-Stage Classifier in SeriesPrecipitated Silica? Ultrafine gas flow classifier, especially for brittle materials, the hardness of the material is suitable in Moglide 1-3, such as graphite, kaolin, quartz and other non-metallic minerals. Due to the high speed of the microcomputer, the intake air is large, is used to grind heat sensitive materials, synthetic resins, sulfur, pesticides, food, Chinese herbal medicine, phosphoric acid, magnesium carbonate and other items.

In the production process, the temperature rise of the bearing must be often checked, and when the temperature rise exceeds 50 ° C, it should be closed, and the reason is to rule out the fault. When the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easy to elongate, pay attention to adjust the appropriate looseness of the belt to ensure the work life of the belt. If you want to check, you should replace production quality and production in time. Blades, the lining should often check the wear situation. If the wear is worn, the productivity decreases, and the particle size is replaced after the particle size is replaced. The host and the grading flow bearing are lipids, and the 2nd special lipid is used. The replacement period of the bearing is around three months, and the filling of the grease is 1/2 of the outer space space in the bearing cavity. Do not fill the grease. Otherwise It will cause too high of the bearing temperature. The spiral feeder has changed the lime than half a year, and the calcium-based grease is added. In the output shaft E, ie the pulley E, avoiding heavy hammer, damage the part. It is strictly forbidden to turn the handle on the stop. The lubricating oil used in this regulator is used with N32 alkaline high-z7-degree anti-motor oil pressure oil, and the deceleration machine is used 401 generally lubricating oil, and it is not necessary to use other machines. After four or five months, new oil should be replaced.

As an established a 20-year powder engineering equipment manufacturer, Shandong Alpa has more than 3,000 customers at home and abroad, and rich research and development and production experience has always led the front of the industry, so before consulting, you need to provide crushing materials. Feature information, enter granular parameters, production yield range, purity requirements, specific process requirements (anti-high temperature, explosion-proof, dust pollution, etc.)Professional Engineers provide appropriate equipment models or system solutions according to this information. Welcome to inquire.

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