Mini Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine

Date:2021-10-29 10:05:11 | Views:

Many friends who want to produce industrialized are certainly unfamiliar with MINI Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine. MINI Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine has the characteristics of convenient, crushing speed, crushing product quality, is a very useful crushing machine .

For MINI Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine's service life, it has always been kept in mind, and it is necessary to keep in mind.
1, for the newly purchased equipment requires novice necessary to understand its operating specifications. If it is a novice operation, it is necessary to prevent unnecessary losses during the operation.
2, if the machine is abnormal, if the machine is abnormal, it is necessary to keep the mechanical personnel to repair debugging and turn off the power. Non-designated personnel prohibit private commissioning or disassembly machine components during the maintenance process. When repairing commissioning, you must turn off the machine power.
3, the Mini Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine is cleaned promptly after use. Keep the internal cleaning of Mini Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine to avoid oxidation of the material and the inner contact.

ALPA Avollast Glucose Media Mini Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine Case Sharing: A starch sugar is needed to take a dispelling equipment for water glucose media, and a lot of powder is investigated. The enterprise did not find a suitable device. We have found appropriate equipment in our AlPA. Our Mini Hammer Mill Pulverizer Machine can disperse the water glucose medium.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: waterless glucose is greater than 18 mesh

ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. R \u0026 D, superfine grade machine, precision classification machine, etc. Purity and accuracy, please feel free to contact us if you need to purchase related devices. .

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