Pulverizer Machines

Date:2021-10-29 14:40:01 | Views:

Pulverizer Machines is an industrial equipment. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the industrial community is increasingly demanding various fine powder, and the requirements, purity and pass rate requirements are increasing. High and classification machines are also more wide.

Pulverizer Machines has a wide range of pulverized granularity, simple and convenient, but during the pulverization process, often a case where the pulverization effect is different.

The crushing effect is mainly affected by the following factors:

The temperature and pressure of the gas ratio, the feed particle size, the working fluid, and the pulverization aid. The gas-solid ratio of the pulverizer in crush is an important technical parameter and an important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. But if the gas is too high, not only will waste energy, but will even degrade the dispersion performance of certain pigments.

When pulverizing hard materials, there is a stricter requirement for the particle size of the feed. In terms of titanium powder, it is necessary to control 100 to 200 mesh when pulverizing calcination; the material after pulverizing surface is generally 40 to 70 mesh, and cannot exceed 2 to 5 mesh.
So, should you choose how high pressure when crushing? Those skilled, this is mainly dependent on the comminutability and fineness requirements of the material.
ALPA Trimage Materials Pulverizer Machines Case Sharing: The company requires a three-dimensional ultrafine pulverizer, and our AlPA's Pulverizer Machines is also more well-known in the industry. There is a lot of proportion in the industry. Through experiment, the company purchased a Pulverizer Machines of our company.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D50: 10μm
Production capacity: 5-10kg / h

To learn more about Pulverizer Machines, please pay attention to the Shan dong alPa website, The company is trustworthy by the company's popularity and other products and other products.

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