Micro Hammer Mill Equipment

Date:2021-11-05 10:06:40 | Views:

Environmentally friendly Micro Hammer Mill Equipment has gradually become the market leading to mechanical equipment, and the modern new mechanical equipment in the machinery manufacturing industry in the machinery manufacturing industry has gradually replaced the traditional rough mechanical processing and production. It became a new leading leading to the implementation of technological innovation upgrades at this stage.

Micro Hammer Mill Equipment forms a set of crushing systems. After the compressed air is dried, it is sprayed into the pulverizing chamber by the Lavar nozzle, and the material is repeatedly collided, friction, shear and pulverized, and the crushing material is pulled down with the wind turbulence. Airflow movement to the hierarchical region, under a powerful centrifugal force generated by high speed rotation, so that the crude material is separated, and the fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel into the cyclone and the dust collector, and the crude particles drops to the pulverizer to continue pulverization. . Since Micro Hammer Mill Equipment's crushing chamber structure is simple, it is easy to manufacture, so it is widely used.

ALPA Quartz Powder Micro Hammer Mill Equipment Case Sharing:
A silicon micron powder company main products have molten stone sand, molten silicon fine powder, soft composite silicon fine powder, high purity ultrafine silicon powder, active silicon fine powder, crystallization Silicon fine powder, spherical silicon fine powder and other specifications are complete.
Main uses: Photovoltaic solar industry and electronic package materials, high temperature refractory materials, aerospace materials, quartz glass tubes, quartz ceramic rolls, and coated copper industries.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: Remove 20UM with fine powder
hour production: Sakuction efficiency 60-90%

The equipment market is rapidly changed, and the current airflow classifier is in the market. With certain needs, but social development, no matter what industry needs to keep up with the times, it can lead the industry.

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