Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill

Date:2021-11-08 09:18:24 | Views:

Many friends who want to produce industrially have no stranger to Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill, Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill has the characteristics of convenient, crushing speed, crushing product quality, is a very useful pulverizer.

The crushing product is in addition to the particle size, and the particle size distribution is narrow, the particle name is smooth, the particle shape is high, and the high activity is high, the dispersibility is good.

ALPA sodium hydrogencarbonate Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill case share: The company often uses Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill, and the sodium hydrogen sodium hydrogen carbonate is required for dry desulfurization.The company has won many power plant dry desulfurization projects with our AlPa's cooperation.It is very satisfied with the Powerful Ultrafine Crushing Impact Mill, which we produce.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 700 mesh
Production capacity: 800kg

I hope everyone can buy the airflow crusher product of the heart!

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