Hierarchical Rotor Mills Machine

Date:2021-11-09 08:48:53 | Views:

Hierarchical Rotor Mills Machine can be used for important or need to be grounded to granular product processing, AlPA ultra-fine pulverizer products are good, affordable, factory direct sales, also to promote after-sales service service for customers, good service attitude

[123 Hierarchical Rotor Mills Machine is a comminuted apparatus that is widely used in the current phase, which has a very good fineness produced in production, which can stringed silicon carbide, metal, ore and other substances. It is also possible to produce ceramics, medicine, and biochemical products with extremely high purity requirements.

ALPA Desulfurizer Hierarchical Rotor Mills Machine Case Sharing: The company is a high-tech company that requires a desulfurizer crusher, investigating a number of powder equipment manufacturers at home and abroad, and finally chose our alpa hierachical Rotor Mills Machine.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: 200 mesh 90% passed
Production capacity: 4-5T

The above is the Hierarchical Rotor Mills Machine introduced to you, you can make simple Understanding, users who need to purchase eddy current pulverizer, disc air shredder, ultrafine crusher products please contact us

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