Super Fine Ring Roller MILL CRUSHER Equipment

Date:2021-11-10 08:46:17 | Views:

Everyone knows that choosing a product or service, to understand from all aspects of the milling machine, service, quality, etc.

Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment has generally replaced traditional mechanical pulverizer in real-production, and its characteristics are:

1, simple structure Simple, convenient, convenient, and only one person can complete the operation, disassembly and cleaning.
2, elliptical pulverizing cavity design, less airflow resistance, so that the compressed air utilization reaches the highest and reduces loss.
3, Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment causes the finished product to purity, no impurities, non-polluting materials due to its pulverization principle.
4, the pulverization is good, the particle size distribution is uniform.

The above is the application of Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment in the industry.

ALPA Phenolic Resin Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment Case Sharing: The company has a manufacturer of phenolic resin in its customers. The company has found a lot of powder equipment companies. There is no suitable device. Finally, we found our ALPA. After the experiment, our company's product Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D50 less than 5μm
Production capacity: greater than 50kg / h

Super Fine Ring Roller Mill Crusher Equipment, produced by AlPa makes the structure easier To make the graded machine wear resistance better. Friends needed to come to us!

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