Pin Grinder of straw fiber

Date:2021-11-18 09:08:17 | Views:

PIN Grinder of straw fiber This product technology has been widely valued by the industry. The grinding mechanism of PIN Grinder of Straw Fiber is mainly used to determine its wide range of applications, high fine, typical materials: super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, high purity requirements: ceramic pigment, medicine, biochemistry, medicine. PIN Grinder of Straw Fiber converts the normal gas from the gas source portion to nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other inert gas, is an inert gas protection device for use in flammable and explosive and oxidative materials.

PIN Grinder of straw fiber is a set of grading systems, a grading machine and a cyclone separator, a dust collector, and a guide. It can be accurately classified from 200-5000 destination materials, and the material is moved by the casing of the stratigraphic airflow at the lower airflow at the bottom of the flushing airflow to separate the crude material. Separate, The fine particles that meet the particle size requirements are collected by the grading wheel blade gap. The crude particles are partially fine particles to hit the wall, and the roll wall drops to the secondary tight air, the strong Amoy of the second wind The washing is separated, and the fine particles rises to the secondary grade of the fractionation region, and the crude particles are dropped to the unloading port. This can be accurately graded out of the 1000 purpose powder required by this customer.

AlPa Quartz Sand PIN Grinder Of Straw Fiber Case Sharing: This customer needs to grade quartz sand, compared to many powder equipment manufacturers, and finally pass the experiment, finally choose our alpa classifier equipment . Product particle size: D95: 45μm hour Yield: 8-12T Welcomes major quartz sand manufacturers to visit, incompetent experiments.

PIN GRINDER OF STRAW Fiber should maintain and maintenance

1. Before using, check all standard parts of the equipment to tighten, and the belt is tight.

2, the spindle operation direction must conform to the direction of the arrow shown on the protective cover, otherwise it will damage the equipment, and may cause human damage.
3, check the electrical appliance is not intact.
4. Check the hardware such as metal-free materials in the equipment crushing room, otherwise it will damage the tool, affect the equipment operation.
5, the material must be checked before crushing, and there is no metal material hard article to be mixed to prevent crash or cause combustion.
6, the oil cup on the device should often be injected into the lubricant to ensure that the equipment is operating normally.
7. Stopping the feeding before the shutdown, if it does not continue to be used, clear the in the machine.
8,Check the tool with the screen on time is damaged, if it is damaged, you should be replaced first.
9. When using the timing, there is a small oscillation, so it is necessary to connect the handle to the handle to avoid accidents.

In addition to PIN Grinder of Straw Fiber, AlPa Technology Co., Ltd. also supplies powder grading machine, super fine classifier, precision classifier, ultrafine gas flow grading machine, jet grading machine, etc.You purchase!

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