Vibration Grinder for Hydrogen ACI

Date:2021-11-22 10:07:04 | Views:

In many crushing methods, Vibration Grinder for Hydrogen Acid Ester has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

The distinction between the ultrafine pulverizer and the ordinary pulverizer in the crush:
The ordinary pulverizer can only be smashed into 200 mesh, and 200 mesh is 75 microns. It is the size of the flour, and the ordinary flour is about 80 mesh 160 mes, that is, 90 to 180 microns, this is the thickness of the ordinary pulverizer to print powder.
The ultrafine pulverizer can be super micro-pulverized, can be smashed to 10,000 mesh, 10,000 mesh is 1.3μm, which is equivalent to the particles of the flour, and then pulverized into 70 copies, each size is 10,000 mesh, can It is very thin.

ALPA Carbonate Vibration Grinder for Hydrogen Acid Ester Case Sharing:
A lithium company is an extraction of a new energy high-tech enterprise with a preparation of lithium battery positive raw materials - battery grade carbonate. The main product of sodium sulfate, battery-grade carbonate, and other products of industrial grade carbonate. The company has passed the certification of the Quality Management System, \"Environmental Management System\", ISO50001 \"Energy Management System\".
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D50: 5.5μm
Hour Yield: 900kg

Vibration Grinder for Hydrogen Acid Ester is a crusher, any mechanical equipment, before use There must be a certain precaution, be sure to check the precautions, so that the damage rate is minimized, then what is the precaution before using a jet ball mill? Here are some introductions.
1. Check whether the firmware is tight before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine.
2, the pulverizer should be lubricated in accordance with the requirements so that the machine is operating normally.
3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinding machine is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer.
4, the pulverizer does not have foreign matter or debris. If it should be handled in time to avoid damage to the tool.
5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss.
6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked regularly.

Shandong AlPa is a 20-year experience manufacturing company with Vibration Grinder for Hydrogen Acid Ester equipment, with a number of patents, welcome to callAsk!

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