Cell Crusher for Brown Corundum

Date:2021-11-30 17:38:19 | Views:

Currently, Cell Crusher For Brown Corundum has gradually entered people's lives, more and more factory, and companies are using the equipment.

Cell Crusher For Brown Corundum is a compressed air to be used to accelerate the zero-raw airflow into the pulverized zone so that the material is fluidized (the airflow expansion is suspended to crashing each other), Therefore, each particle has the same motion state. Low temperature Application Cell Crusher For Brown Corundum can operate under supersonic air flow, in the commissioning chamber to form a low temperature environment of minus decreases, do not need liquid nitrogen cooling to implement ultra-fine processing of thermal substances and plastic materials, low production cost, high efficiency .

Typical materials are: pigments, resins, sulfur, sulfide sulfide, pesticides, epoxy resins, polytetrafluoroethylene, rubber, and phosphate.
Typical products include soybean, pollen, hawthorn, sodium chloride, Cordyceps, mushrooms, pearl powder, gastric medicine, Nimodi, antibiotics, ginseng, angiographic drugs, Ganoderma lucidum, five times, He Shouwu et al .
Typical products are: garnet, silica, diamond, silicon carbide, white carbon black, diamond, aluminum soil, boron oxide, tungsten carbide, special ceramics, etc.

ALPA crystal sorbitol CELL CRUSHER for Brown Corundum case Sharing: Taiwan's cosmetics companies need a large-capacity of transistor sorbitol crushing production line, learned from our ALPA agents from Shandong Our company can customize the service of crushing equipment. After many incident experiments. Finally purchased a Cell Crusher for Brown Corundum of our company.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 10-200 目

Production capacity: 10T

The daily maintenance of Cell Crusher for Brown Corundum is a very important part, hereby introducing Cell CRUSHER For Brown Corundum maintenance method.
1. When the machine starts or starts, the appropriate amount of grease should be applied to ensure its life.
2. Check if the screws and nuts of each component are tightened. Check if the belt is smashed, whether it is tight.

3, regularly check the reliability of the equipment, prevent accidents or accidents.

4, the direction of operation of the spindle should be correct. If it is incorrect, it should be handled in time to avoid damage to the machine.
5, equipment maintenance should be carried out by professional and technical personnel, and others must not be carried out to avoid damage to the equipment.
6, electricalParts and routes should be checked regularly, whether it is intact, and it is reliable.
7. The equipment should be cleaned in time to prevent the next use to avoid contaminating materials.
Shan Dong Alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise producing various airflow pulverities, airflow mills, disc gap pulverities, disc air crushers.

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