Rod Pin Pulverizer of ammonium phosphate

Date:2021-12-09 10:39:49 | Views:

Rod Pin Pulverizer of Ammonium Phosphate This product technology has been widely valued by the industry. Rod Pin Pulverizer Of Ammonium Phosphate is mainly used to determine its wide range of applications, high fine, typical materials: super hard diamond, silicon carbide, metal powder, high purity requirements: ceramic pigment, medicine, biochemistry, medicine . Rod pin pulverizer of ammonium phosphate can convert a normal gas source from a gas source to an inert gas such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, is an inert gas protection device, which is suitable for use in flammable and explosive, oxidized materials, pulverization, grading, and processing.

ROD PIN PULVERIZER OF AMMONIUM Phosphate production line usually there is a pulverizer, bucket hoist, storage box, vibrating feeder, ultrafine mill, frequency pulverizer, cyclone powder collector, pulse dust removal system, High pressure blower, air compressor, electrical control system and other components. Eliminates the infrastructure construction link, saving overall production costs, reducing material consumption. In addition, crushing and grinding operations can also be completed, reducing equipment and minimizing cost investment.

ALPA Carbon Rod Pin Pulverizer Of Ammonium Phosphate Case Sharing: The company produces superfine and super fine pulveruts in the production of static pressure graphite. After multi-party examinations and experiments, finally selected our AlPA as a cooperative customer, we provide the Rod Pin Pulverizer of Ammonium Phospha, which is provided, to meet its needs of carbon pulverity, particle size, yield, and other needs.

Technical parameters:

Finished granularity: D65: 200 目
Production capacity: 800-1000kg

In general, there are some sounds in operation. Rod pin pulverizer of ammonium phosphate will definitely have broken sounds when crushing raw materials, which is normal. However, if the sound turns a noise, if the sound becomes too loud, it will become a problem. So how do I solve the phenomenon of excessive noise? Let's take a look at it.

1. Add a lubricating oil on the rotating part, and adjust the bearing if the bearing and the shaft are; if the bearing wear is resistant, the bearing will be replaced.

2. There will be noise during the pulverization process. The cooling sleeve is dispensed in the crushing chamber, which can be used to reduce the temperature.
3. Install the muffler on the fireplace of the pulverizer.
4. Damping equipment, such as using damping boards.

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