Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace

Date:2021-12-21 09:09:36 | Views:

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. In particular, in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of my country Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace technology is stable and developed to focus, strong, high quality, etc.

Crushing product except for particle size, there is also a narrow particle size distribution, smooth particle surface, particle shape regular, high purity, high activity, good dispersibility. Since the Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace generates a Juromon cooling effect during the pulverization process, it is also suitable for ultrafine pulverization of low melting point and thermal material.

The gas-solid ratio in the pulverization process is an important technical parameter and important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. However, if the gas ratio is too high, not only waste energy, but even the dispersion performance of certain particulate materials will also be deteriorated. When the particle size of the feed is pulverized, the particle size of the feed is more stringent.
When the titanium powder is pulverized, when the calcined material is pulverized, it is necessary to control 100-200 mesh; the material after the pulverization surface is generally 40-70, and cannot exceed 2-5 mesh.

ALPA Silica Powder Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon PomACE Case Sharing:

A new energy company is a high-tech enterprise focusing on high performance lithium battery materials. The company's main business sector involves the research and development of battery materials. Development and technology transfer of production and sales and battery technology.
The company is based on the development of lithium battery materials and technology. The company adheres to the innovation of science and technology, leading the future concept, and grows forward to new energy technology companies with core competitiveness.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: go to 3 um fine powder
Hour yield: 150kg

For long-term \"health\" of the equipment, we need to take some steps to protect it again.

1. First, the gap of the hammer screen can be adjusted: the friction on the screen changes varies from the distance between the material and the screen, and the friction is different. Improve the hammer speed and hammer material efficiency by adjusting the hammer net gap. However, during the production process, the screens they use are different, the raw materials are different, the hammer screening gap needs to be adjusted; in the crusher, the crusher is not very good at the beginning, but after a period of time Work, the particles inside the crusher also changes; in the grinding machine parts, the hammer head is easily worn, and the gap between the hammer head and the screen is increased, and the yield is also declining, it is difficult to maintain.
Of course, in order to test the yield of a crusher, for some raw materials,Some screens, in order to determine suitable hammer sieve gaps and suction, regardless of the service life of the screen and hammer, very high abrasive efficiency data can be obtained in a short time. However, in the production of feed grinding, such specific measurement data, according to the operator's work experience, the technical content of the crusher itself is two things. People with enrichment of experience and labor experience also require higher operating costs. When the hammer is worn, the gap between the hammer and the sieve increases, the friction is reduced, and the abrasive efficiency is lowered.
2. Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon PomACE mainly requires a reasonable use of reverse glitch: mainly to rush the side hair of the screen into the inside, greatly increasing friction, but this method is not used for a long time. After the globi polishing, the efficiency is lowered. It lasts for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
3. Put the friction piece into the Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace: The friction piece has the effect of the material ring, but the effect is limited. First, the teeth of the friction plate are in front of the hammer head, the friction surface is small, and the hammer is long-lasting; if the sieve area is too small, the output screen area will be reduced.
For any device, everyday maintenance can be performed, it can ensure that the equipment can run for a long time, so daily is critical to the maintenance of Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace.

Shandong AlPa is a company with more than 20 years of Vibration Mill Machine For Lemon Pomace, developing and manufacturing, after many years of precipitation and accumulation, experienced, and has multiple patented technologies. For so many years of doing Vibration Mill Machine For Lemon Pomace, there have been tens of thousands of devices at home and abroad, often with customers to order our products again, enough to explain the reputation of Shandong Alpa Vibration Mill Machine for Lemon Pomace. Welcome to inquire!

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