Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy

Date:2021-12-22 10:05:03 | Views:

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops toward environmental protection. In particular, in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy technology in my country is the stable development of the ROD PULVERIZER for Ferroalloy technology, strong control, high quality.

Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy and cyclone separator, dust collector and air machine form a complete crushing system. After filtering the compressed air, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, and the material is repeated, friction and shear at the intersection of the multi-high pressure airflow.

The crushing material moves together with the rising airflow to the pulverized region under suction of the fan, producing a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotary pulley. Under the action of force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the pulverizing wheel according to particle size particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.

ALPA seaweed feed Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy case sharing: The company is a seafarer enterprise in Yantai. It has been found to be smash in the breeding process. It can be used as a sea cucumber after breastfeeding. Save feed purchase cost. By comparing a long-term use of a Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy, you may save the cost of this production line for several years. The company purchased our AlPa Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy.

Technical parameters:

finished product granularity: D90: 400 目
Production capacity: 400kg / h

How should I operate when Rod Pin Pulverizer for Ferroalloy starts
Crusher start Before, first scroll the rotor, check the jug, the hammer and the rotor operation is flexible, there is no bump in the case, the rotation direction of the rotor is uniform, the power machine and the pulverizer are smooth. Not an outstanding. Do not replace the leather wheel at will, to prevent the transition chamber produce burst of pulverization, or the speed is too low

affect the work efficiency of the pulverizer. After the airflow pulverizer starts, it should be idled for 2-3 minutes, no abnormal appearance, then press the job. At any time, you should pay attention to the job status of the crusher, and the feeding should be uniform to prevent jams, do not have long-term overload operations. If there is found that vibration, noise, the bearing and the body temperature is too high, the external spray, etc., should be immediately stopped, exclude the failure of the sustainable job.

ALPA Technology R \u0026 DIt has been applied in many actual engineering cases, providing basic information for objective understanding of jet grading technology.

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