Vibration Mill Machine of ProGesterone

Date:2021-12-23 10:06:49 | Views:

In the classification operation of industrial production at this stage, the use of Vibration Mill Machine Of ProGesterone is mainly targeted for the effectively crushing of solid particles, and is also a commonly used comminution equipment in the ultrafine pulverization process.

Vibration Mill Machine Of ProGesterone has the characteristics of precision, small in size, high in weight, high efficiency, no dust, cleaning, easy to operate, beautiful modeling, etc. The pulverized tank and the blade are manufactured by stainless steel. It can complete the crushing and fine powder in 3 seconds - 2 minutes. It can quickly crush a variety of Chinese herbal medicines and most of the food, wide and wide, and different nature materials can be very smashed. Loss, smash different materials will not be stronger. Such as Western ginseng, ginseng, three seventh, placenta, flyer, pearl, white peony, 苡 苡 米, green beans, soy, sesame, rice, corn, etc. The host and the grading flow bearing are lipomatic lubrication, using special lipids, the replacement period of the bearing is around three months, and the filling of the grease is 1/2 of the interior space in the bearing cavity. Otherwise, It will cause too high of the bearing temperature. The spiral feeder has changed the lipid period of half a year, and Cape Calcium-based grease.

ALPA Steel slag Vibration Mill Machine of ProGesterone case Share: This customer is a steel slag application technology company in Xi'an, mainly engaged in re-use development of steel slag. During the production process, steel slag ultrafine powder is required, screening the required steel slag micropowder, the customer investigates many domestic powder equipment manufacturers, and finally chose our ALPA Vertical Air Classifier.

Case parameters:
Product particle size: D97: 5-75μm
Hour Yield: 200-500kg

After the long-term use, it is necessary to clean the air pulverizer. After cleaning the pulverizer, all machines must be removed. Detaching skill is also very good. When cleaning, the power supply can be turned off, and the remaining dust can be removed directly with a brush. We must remember to clean it layer by layer. When the displacement is removed, four screws on the base can be removed, and then remove the hopper. When the screen is removed, the airflow pulverizer door can be opened directly and the screen can be removed at the end. After the mobile gear is removed, the fastening nut is released first, and then the live teeth are separated from the spindle. Then move the mobile gear and put it safely. Remove the fixed gear, remove the screw and remove the fixed gear. Be careful when disassembling the gas flow crusher. Do not cause any damage to the components of the machine itself.

In addition to Vibration Mill Machine of ProGesterone, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. also supplies powder classifiers for you, Ultra-fine classifier, precision classifier, ultrafine airflow classifier, jet grading machine, etc. Welcome to buy!

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