Rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine Orange

Date:2021-12-23 10:07:23 | Views:

Rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine Orange is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, the AlPa crusher is smudged, the granules are delicate, affordable.

A rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine Orange is very high, if you want to use Rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine for a long time, please pay attention to the following points:

1. Production In the process, the temperature rise of the bearing should be checked frequently. When the temperature rise exceeds 50 ° C, the examination should be stopped, find out the cause, and troubleshoot.
2. When the new machine is running, the transmission belt is easy to eliminate, so it should be noted to adjust the appropriate tightness of the belt to ensure the life of the belt.
3. Test and timely replacement of vulnerable parts should be performed in time to ensure quality and production.
4. The wear of the blade and bushing should be continuously checked. If the productivity is lowered, the particle size is thick after wear, and the wear is immediately replaced.
5. ROD PIN MILL MACHINE OF Benzidine Orange The host and level distribution bearings are lubricated with special grease (265-295 degrees).
6. The replacement period of the bearing is 2000 hours, and the amount of oil filling of the bearing chamber gap is 1 ≤ 2 (try) or 3 ≤ 4 (try), if it is not too much, the bearing temperature Will be too high.
7. The replacement period of the spiral feeder is 4,000 hours, and ordinary calcium based grease is added. Standard operation to exchange for longer use of airflow crushers.

The above is a seventeen introduction to the Rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine Orange Orange Orange.

AlPa Precipitated Sulfate Rod Pin Mill Machine of Benzidine Orange Case Sharing: Shenzhen Chemical Raw Materials Requires Multi-large production, low particle size precipitated sulfate crushing production line. Our AlPA is a large enterprise in the powder equipment industry, and our equipment is customized. Different companies are used to meet different needs of different companies. In response to the needs of the company, our company customizes the production line of five ROD PIN MILL MACHINE OF Benzidine Orange, large-scale mechanical crusher production lines to meet the production of the customer.need.
Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D50: 0.8-5μm
Production capacity: 4.5 +/- 10% / T

If you want to make a hierarchy during workLarger performance, so that maintenance is unable to work, how do you maintain a grading machine?

2, if you want to change the precision classifier, or if you want to repair, you must be in the case of power failure.
3, usually pay attention to lubrication and maintenance of the bearing of the classifier.
4. If the precision classifier works for 1,500 hours, remember to add lubricant.

Welcome everyone to inquire!

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