Pin Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint

Date:2021-12-30 10:51:55 | Views:

Pin Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint is good, only need to be produced in a smooth ground place, and low noise, which can avoid dust leakage during the pulverization process, which is favored by the powder industry.

Which factors affect the performance parameters used by PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint?

The following is a detailed description:

1. Feed granular control

Most PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint has a certain upper limit requirement for feed particle size. After entering the pulverization cavity, it can be sufficiently accelerated before collision and crushing with other particles. It is difficult to completely accelerate after large particles enter the pulverized cavity, which will allow them to stay in the machine too long, resulting in too high energy consumption. Therefore, in large-scale production of ultrafine powder, it is an effective way to pre-ground the raw material of the particle size is an effective pathway for energy saving.
2. Working medium

Currently, the working medium of Pin Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint is mainly compressed, superheated steam, inert gas, and the like. The choice of working fluid has a certain impact on crushing effects and economics. Superheated steam is superior to air in fluidity and critical flow rates to achieve higher flow rates and uniform flow fields. However, using superheated steam as a working fluid, it must be ensured that it is still in an overheating state before entering the product capture device, otherwise the material is condensed.
3. Feeding speed

Feeding speed is an important parameter reflecting gas flow grinding production capacity. During the pulverization process, the optimum ratio of the intake flow rate and the feed speed is the key to improving the crushing efficiency. In general, under certain intake flow conditions, the feed speed is proportional to the particle size of the product. However, the feeding speed is too fast, which will increase the particle density, mutual interference, disadvantage of the particles, and difficult to achieve the sufficient and effective collision between particles, affect the crushing effect; although the feed speed is too slow, the particles stay in the crush area The time can be extended, which will reduce the particle density, reduce the collision rate, resulting in a decrease in production capacity and an increase in unit production energy consumption.
4. Particle size

PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint In the pulverization process, as the material particle size is reduced, the crystallization and intensity of the material increases. After reaching a certain degree, the particle size of the material is no longer reduced or reduced, that is, the crushing limit of the material is reached. At this time, the material specific surface area increases, the surface activity of the particles, the particle agglomeration and grinding are in a dynamic equilibrium state, even if the grinding time is prolonged, it is difficult to further reduce the particle size of the material.

ALPA Crystalline Sulfur PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint Case Sharing: Shenyang needs a device that can make ultrafine pulverization of crystalline sulfur. Crystalline sulfur is a flammable and explosive raw material, so there is a very high demand of the explosion-proof system of the pulverized apparatus. After many investigations, our company's nitrogen protection PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint meets the production needs of the company. PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint has an advantage in security, production capacity, energy consumption.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 200-300 目

Production capacity: 1.5T

In general, there are some sounds in operation. PIN Pulverizer of Ceramic Paint When you crush the raw material, you will definitely have a broken voice, which is normal. However, if the sound turns a noise, if the sound becomes too loud, it will become a problem. So how do I solve the phenomenon of excessive noise? Let's take a look at it.
1. Add a lubricating oil on the rotating part, and adjust the bearing if the bearing and the shaft are; if the bearing wear is resistant, the bearing will be replaced.
2. There will be noise during the pulverization process. The cooling sleeve is dispensed in the crushing chamber, which can be used to reduce the temperature.

3. Install the muffler on the fireplace of the pulverizer.

4. Damping equipment, such as using damping boards.

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