Cell Mill Machine for Diamond

Date:2021-12-30 10:57:58 | Views:

Cell Mill Machine for Diamond's use of industry production process can be said to be important, AlPA has been committed to the research and development and application of grade machines for many years, and we produced during the development process of years. The classification machine has gradually begun to develop in the direction of modernization, and we believe that we can provide a complete set of production planning programs to our customers in a large range.

The components of Cell Mill Machine for Diamond include drive motors, pulveration wheels, fine powder and coarse powder outlets, raw materials inlets and two air imports. In addition, it is widely used and is a very good machine. Vertical air pulverizer can be used in squares, crystalline stone, quartz, gypsum, silica, corundum, cement, alumina, etc., which plays an important role.

ALPA Pigments Cell Mill Machine for Diamond Case Sharing: This customer needs to use the pigment ultrafine pulverized equipment during its production. Through the ultrafine pulverization of the pigment, improve the quality of the product, after many other types of equipment, finally chose our AlPa Cell Mill Machine for Diamond. Compared with the same type of equipment, our company's product reliability is higher, the pulverized particle size is more uniform, and the particle size after pulverization is narrow, and there will be no too much particle size range.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D90: 13μm;
Production capacity: 130kg / h

What should I pay attention to? Before running, operator needs Confirm that the raw material feed tube entrance and exit have foreign matter. Whether there is any raw material at the exit. If the foreign matter is found to handle a clean and then boot.

When the grading machine is operating normally, in order to maintain the stability of the grading, the pressure of the supply tube compressed gas is required to be monitored. Check if the dust collector pressure loss of the laboratory classifier is stable.
Decompose, cleaning, inspected, and maintaining the laboratory classifier must be disconnected to avoid danger.
ALPA is a manufacturer dedicated to powder grading machine, precision classifier, laboratory grade machine, and we have many years of production experience in the production of products, while we are in many mechanical products. It also achieved a lot of important breakthroughs, I believe it will be the primary choice for your product purchase.

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