Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles

Date:2021-12-31 11:06:09 | Views:

In many crushing methods, Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles has become one of the most mainstream pulverization techniques with a small particle size, narrow particle size distribution, high purity, high particulate activity, and good dispersibility. Especially suitable for crushing drugs such as contaminated materials.

Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles:

Using high-pressure airflow with animal material to smash, ensure the purity of materials, facing individual hardness than high materials can be used as high hardness ceramic corundum The pulverization cavity is greatly reduced to reduce the wear of the pulverizer to ensure that the purity of the material is low-temperature, or the inert gas is pulverized, such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, is suitable for high activity, flammable and explosive non-metallic mine powder.

High capacity, fast efficiency; compared with other ultra-fine pulverizations of the same capacity, because Cell Mill Machine For Onion Particles, continuously pulverized, continuously crushing, continuous recovery, greatly increased its pulverization efficiency And with the mode of automation control, it is much higher than other devices.

The structure is simple, the disassembly and cleaning is convenient, there is no need to lubricate oil, etc.

The product is fine, the particle size distribution is uniform, because the grading effect of Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles, the ultra-fine powder produced by it makes it excellent, and then cooperate with Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles are used to make the product particle size and distribution far better than the processing of other equipment.

ALPA Pigments Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles Case Sharing: The customer needs to use the pigment ultrafine pulverization equipment during its production. Through the ultrafine pulverization of the pigment, improve the quality of the product, after many other types of equipment, finally chose our AlPa Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles. Compared with the same type of equipment, our company's product reliability is higher, the pulverized particle size is more uniform, and the particle size after pulverization is narrow, and there will be no too much particle size range.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: D90: 13μm;
Production capacity: 130kg / h

How to install Cell Mill Machine for Onion Particles, the following content hopes to helpyou.

1, Chinese medicine shredder should be more smooth and easier to use.
2, before the traditional Chinese grinder work, clean processing materials must be selected.Hard metal, such as metal or stones, can not be mixed into the machine, so as not to damage parts or faults.
3, before the machine is opened, check whether the components of the machine are firm and reliable.Everything is normal, so you can work.
4, turn on the power supply, turn for 1-2 minutes, check whether the operation is normal, normal conditions, can put the material.When the crusher is working, the operator cannot leave.Once the sound is abnormal, the power supply should be disconnected immediately.In the new pulverizer raw material, the exit is fixed with a long bag.
5. When using the pulverizer, if the power supply voltage is too low, do not use it to avoid damage to the motor.The power supply is normal, it is not easy to damage, and the production efficiency is high.

If there is related requirements, please call us!

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