Ring Roller Pulverizer with lithium fluoride

Date:2022-01-05 16:04:25 | Views:

It is well known that Ring Roller Pulverizer with Lithium Fluoride has been widely valued by the industry.

Ring Roller Pulverizer with Lithium Fluoride is a high-speed airflow to form a high-speed airflow with multiple relative-arranged nozzles. The crushed material enters the pulverizing chamber with the rising air flow, since the pulverized rotor is high-speed rotation, the particles are subjected to the centrifugal force generated by the pulverized rotor, and the center of heart is generated by the viscous action of the gas flow. When the centrifugal force of the particles is greater than the heart force, that is, the pulverized particle size The coarse particles return to the pulverizing chamber to continue the impact, fine particles flow into the cyclone separator, collectors, and the gas is discharged from the air.

Low temperature without media, ensuring high purity and physical properties of the product. The equipment runs no dust pollution in a negative pressure state. The full use of jet flow can increase the pulverization efficiency of 30% compared to conventional gas flow grinding machines, and the precision is higher.

ALPA equipment is small, and the structure of the pulverizer can be highly machined so fine powder, avoiding the wear of the horizontal crusher pulverized part, and the equipment of the equipment is used under the same material. Multiplier. Small granularity is wide, and the product particle size can be arbitrarily adjusted within 1-74um.

ALPA Battery Powder Ring Roller Pulverizer with Lithium Fluoride Case Sharing:

A Industrial Company's main business scope is: new energy storage materials, electronic ceramic materials technology and industries, secondary resource re-production new technology and industries , Biological engineering and organic polymer materials, electronic products and network products technology development, technology transfer, technical training; manufacturing, sales and development products and related materials and equipment; international technical cooperation and trade, technical personnel training; business The import and export business of the export business of this company is export business and the import and export business of mechanical equipment, spare parts, raw materials and technologies needed by the enterprise.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D50: 5.8UM
Hours Yield: 800kg

How to pay attention to what to pay attention to RING ROLLEREDE? Before running, the operator needs to confirm the feedstock Whether there is foreign matter in the entrance and exit. Whether there is any raw material at the exit. If the foreign matter is found to handle a clean and then boot.

When the grading machine is operating normally, in order to maintain the stability of the grading, the pressure of the supply tube compressed gas is required to be monitored. Check if the dust collector pressure loss of the laboratory classifier is stable.
Decompose, cleaning, checking, and maintaining the laboratory grade machine must break the main power supply to avoid danger.

The above is a Ring Roller Pulverizer with Lithium Fluoride, which you can introduce, you can make a brief understanding, you need to purchase eddy current pulverizer, disk airflow crusher, users of ultrafine crusher products please contact us

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