Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking Slag

Date:2022-01-06 16:57:55 | Views:

Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking Slag as a clean, efficient, high-level, high-yield of advanced crusher models in crushing, is very extensive, from dozens of minor tests, With a large production of hundreds of tons, Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking SLAG has narrowed by the particle size distribution, the average particle size is fine; the powder has good shape, the product is purity; suitable for low melting point, thermal drugs; good sealable, less pollution; Easy; crushing - mixing - dry online operations, etc. have been widely recognized by the company.

Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking SLAG is smashing in full-closed state, the fineness of the pulverized particles is better, the particle shape is good, the output is also large, the pulverization process is no dust production, and the material purity is high after crushing, which greatly saves raw materials. medicine. Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking Slag In the pulverization process, the effect of cell breakage can be achieved, so that the effective component dissolution of the medicinal material is greatly improved, and the efficacy is also more likely to be absorbed by the human body. Experts pointed out that after pulverizing the gas flow crusher, the minimal component can reach the original efficacy. During the pulverization process, it can work according to different medicinal materials and crushedness, generally use a gas flow pulverizer to pulverize the drug. It is possible to save resources between 30% and 70%.

ALPA Water Atomization FENI50Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking Slag Case Sharing: This customer needs a device that can make ultrafine pulverized metal powder. Finally, we purchased our AlPA CSM710-V mechanical grinder.

Technical parameters:

Production capacity: 200-250kg

When you purchase Cell Pulverizer with Steelmaking Slag, you need high pulverity and no loss. However, before purchasing, it is necessary to fully understand the internal structure of the ultrafine pulverizer and the advantages and disadvantages in the production application. After fully understanding, we can better choose and apply. Today, let us understand the disc air pulverizer:

1. Low powder temperature: no cooling system during continuous operation, the powder temperature generated Never less than 50 degrees;

2. It can be applied to any fiber, high toughness, high hardness or a certain moisture content; for pollen or other spore plants, the material destroying the cell wall can break through 95%; 123]
3. Can be cleverly pulverized by adding water, alcohol or other liquid, or protective crushing by introducing gas;

is understoodAfter the characteristics of the pulverizer, you should pay more attention to it when you purchase it later, then you will choose your satisfactory ultrafine pulverizer.

The company provides free experiments and testing, and provides 24-hour consultation services, welcome to use.

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