Cell Mill Machine with Raw Soybean Meal

Date:2022-01-11 09:50:54 | Views:

With the rapid growth of China, high-energy mining machinery industry, especially Cell Mill Machine With Raw Soybean Meal will have a huge development space, and various mineral powder products will develop rapidly. In order to ensure sustainable development of the entire mineral powder industry, green, environmentally friendly, healthy fluidized bed jet mills and products are more extensive. When applied to people's lives, it is necessary to optimize the use of equipment technology.

Cell Mill Machine With Raw SoyBean Meal works mainly after the material is accelerated through the nozzle, and the compressed air enters the flow of the crushing area, and the material is fluidized, each particle has the same Motion status. In the pulverized region, the accelerated particles collide with each other in each nozzle. The pulverized material is delivered to the grading area through the upper gas stream, and the fine powder of the particle size is selected by the horizontally arranged grading wheel, and the coarse powder that does not reach the granularity requirement, returns to the pulverization region to continue pulverization. Put the qualified fine powder with the airflow into the high-efficiency swirl separator, and purify the dust gas by the dust collector, discharged into the atmosphere, and the entire pulverization process reaches the high requirements of environmental protection.

ALPA crystal sorbitol Cell Mill Machine with Raw Soybean Meal case Sharing: Taiwan's cosmetics requires a large amount of crystal sorbitol with large capacity, and learned that our company can Crushing equipment for customization services. After many incident experiments. Finally purchased a Cell Mill Machine with Raw Soybean MEAL, a company.
Technical parameters:
finished particle size: 10-200 目
Production capacity: 10T

Cell Mill Machine With Raw Soybean Meal has many core accessories, and these attachments are also fragile Parts, once you don't pay attention to repair, it will cause serious consequences, especially if the breakage of the airflow milling will cause the stop, and cannot estimate the output loss. The following sections describe the reasons for the gas flow grinding main axis.

The cause of the airflow grinding main shaft is easy to damage:
1. Since the pulverizer is a long-time crushing and ground bulk ore, the mechanical impact will cause fatigue damage to the spindle, if it is operated, the surface of the spindle Will wear, if you don't pay attention, cracks are generated.
2. The air supply will pass the airflower overload. When gas flow is used, you need to feed it properly, and each machine is limited. If this is exceeded, the component is easily damaged in the load operation, which will affect the overall service life of the airflow.
3. During mining and transportation, ore is often mixed with some waste metals. When these objects are in electromagnets at the upper portion of the belt, the electromagnet cannot beExcluding, causing these materials in ore and mud into gas flow, resulting in frequent iron, resulting in frequent impact on the spindle and other portions.
The above is why Cell Mill Machine With Raw Soybean MEAL spindle is easily damaged.

Shan Dong Alpa is a scientific and technological private enterprise that produces various airflow pulverations, airflow mill, medical and air flow crushers, disc air thrower, and needs to purchase such products.Users can contact us.

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