Pin Mill Machine with Iron Powder

Date:2022-01-11 09:51:25 | Views:

In this economically flourished area, many people know that Pin Mill Machine With Iron Powder, pulverizer technology is in a leading position in the same industry.

For Pin Mill Machine With Iron Power longer, it is necessary to keep in mind using common sense.
1, for the newly purchased equipment requires novice necessary to understand its operating specifications. If it is a novice operation, it is necessary to prevent unnecessary losses during the operation.
2, if the machine is abnormal, if the machine is abnormal, it is necessary to keep the mechanical personnel to repair debugging and turn off the power. Non-designated personnel prohibit private commissioning or disassembly machine components during the maintenance process. When repairing commissioning, you must turn off the machine power.
3, the PIN MILL MACHINE WITH IRON POWDER is cleaned in time. Keep the internal cleaning of PIN MILL MACHINE WITH IRON POWDER to avoid oxidation of the material and the inner contact.

ALPA lysis of carbon black PIN MILL MACHINE WITH POWDER case sharing: The company is a renewable energy application company in Inner Mongolia, when the company is recycling for waste tires, it needs to be used Ultrafine pulverized equipment is ultrafielded with cleavage carbon black. After many incidents, we have selected our AlPa Pin Mill Machine with Iron Powder.
Technical parameters:
finished product granularity: D90: 500 目

Production capacity: 2T

Let's introduce Pin Mill Machine With Iron Powder cleaning matters:

1. Clean the other components of the pulverizer: mainly using the outer screw cleaning the grinding machine cover and components. These places can be brushed with a brush and brush with water or detergent when necessary.

2, cleaning the pulverizer.

The crusher cabin is the crushed box we said. The item is carried out in the crushing bin, so part of the cutting head is the cleaning point. Different jet mills have different functions. We must first understand this before you can get started quickly and use the airflow milling machine correctly.
ALPA also believes that future airflow crushing technology will become better and better, users who need to purchase such products can contact us.

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