cell mill for Wheat

Date:2021-08-27 18:21:39 | Views:

With the rapid growth of China's economy, high-energy mining machinery industry, especially Cell Mill for Wheat will have a huge development space, and various mineral powder products will develop rapidly. In order to ensure sustainable development, green, environmentally friendly, healthy bed jet rubbing equipment and products more extensive in the entire mineral powder industry. When applied to people's lives, it is necessary to optimize the use of equipment technology.

Cell Mill for WheAT is precisely pulverized with ultrafine powder below the micron-level, which can provide high performance pulverization effects that other forms of crushing equipment can be achieved. After obtaining more than three different particle size ranges of different particle size ranges, higher range of particle sizes, greatly improves the additional value of powder raw materials; there is a wide range of applications in metal and non-metallic fields.

ALPA Organic Pigment Cell Mill for Wheat Case Sharing: The company is a Taiwan chemical raw material enterprise, and the company purchased a mechanical grinder for pulverizing organic pigments from our AlPa.

Technical parameters:
Finished particle size: D50 less than 325 mesh
Production capacity: 300kg

The above is the use of Cell Mill for Wheat, want For those friends who know other crushers, you can pay more attention to us!

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