Ring Roller Mill of Chicken protein

Date:2021-08-27 18:21:42 | Views:

With the continuous advancement of pulverizer technology, Ring Roller Mill of Chicken Protein has been familiar with people. Now the most popular crushing equipment is Ring Roller Mill of Chicken Protein. It has a wide variety, available in laboratory, home and factory use. It has the advantages of large productivity, low energy consumption, high automation, and high classification quality, and has been widely used.

With the increasing social demand, Ring Roller Mill of the use of performance Chicken protein, product quality, etc. are faced with enormous challenges. Therefore, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. persisted, continuously improved equipment ultrafine crush strength, particle size distribution, particle crystal form, etc., to achieve more production.
ALPA, strive to achieve low energy consumption, high yield, non-pollution, achieve good granularity, dispersion, unique and potential performance of the product, improve the competitiveness of powder crusher, and realize the environment Protection and low power performance.

AlPa Chicken Protein Ring Roller Mill of Chicken Protein Case Sharing: The company is a Spanish company, the company needs to smash a chicken protein, asking all kinds of powder equipment enterprises in Europe, there is no suitable equipment. Later, I learned that our ALPA, the testism sent us a message, and we didn't know if we received the email. But our ALPA decided to try it, and then let the customer mailing material will be experimentally. Through multiple experiments, we have identified a crushing equipment that meets the particle size requirements of the company. Finally, the company also purchases the series of equipment.

Technical parameters:
Finished product granularity: 100μm
Production capacity: 500kg

Shandong Alpa supplies a variety of Ring Roller Mill of Chicken Protein. If you need to buy Ring Roller Mill of Chicken Protein, please feel free to contact us.

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