Turbo Mill of Lithium cobalt oxide

Date:2021-08-27 18:21:56 | Views:

In the rapid development of the region, there are a lot of people have already Turbo Mill of Lithium cobalt oxide have a certain understanding, mill technology is in a leading position in the industry.

Turbo Mill of Lithium Cobalt Oxide is a high-performance crushing effect that the ultrafine powder below the micrometer level is particularly high-end powder. after the pulverization treatment can give a narrower particle size range, higher peak three or more different size ranges of products, greatly enhance the added value of the raw powder; is widely used in the field of metal and nonmetal.

ALPA alkylene oxide silicon powder Turbo Mill of Lithium cobalt oxide Case Study:

a new energy is focused on the high-performance lithium battery material tech enterprises, research company business relates to a battery material, Development and technology transfer of production and sales and battery technology.
The company is based on the development of lithium battery materials and technology. The company adheres to the innovation of science and technology, leading future concepts, and grows forward to new energy technology companies with core competitiveness.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: go to 3µm fine powder
Human production: 150kg

Companies consistently follow the standard management, put the quality in front of the production and service policy, provide customers Reassuring products and services with a weighing airflow crusher.

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