Turbo Mill application

Date:2021-08-29 10:03:10 | Views:

Many friends who want to produce industrialized must be unfamiliar with Turbo Mill Application. Turbo Mill Application has a very convenient, crushing speed, crushing product quality, is a very useful comminution machine.

Turbo Mill Application uses high intelligent control system, easy to operate, easy to adjust, long service life, the main lossible component affecting the service life of the system equipment is a pulverizer. If the wear is seriously replaced, it will affect the equipment. Crushing accuracy.

AlPa Water Available Feni50Turbo Mill Application Case Sharing: This customer needs a device that can make ultrafine pulverized metal powder. Finally, we purchased our ALPA CSM710-V mechanical grinder.
Technical parameters:
Production capacity: 200-250kg

ALPA technology research and development of crushing equipment has been applied in many actual engineering cases, providing a foundation for objective understanding of jet grading technology material.

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