Turbo Mill of Narcotics is a very common and common pulverizer. It has a wide range of applications involving many industries.
The components of Turbo Mill of Narcotics include drive motors, pulverized wheels, fine powder and coarse powder outlets, raw materials inlets and two air imports. In addition, it is widely used and is a very good machine. Vertical air pulverizer can be used in square solution, heavy crystal stone, quartz, gypsum, silica, corundum, cement, alumina, etc., play an important role.
ALPA Seaweed Feed Turbo Mill of Narcotics Case Sharing: The company is a seafood enterprise in Yantai. During the breeding process, it can be used to smash the seaweed. After smashing, it can be used as a feed for sea cucumber, saving the cost of feed purchase. . By comparing the long-term use of Turbo Mill of Narcotics, it is possible to purchase the feed for several years, which can save the cost of the production line for several years. The company purchased our ALPA Turbo Mill of Narcotics.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D90: 400 mesh
Production capacity: 400kg / h