pin mill for Cerium oxide

Date:2021-08-30 08:09:37 | Views:

Pin Mill for Cerium Oxide is a very practical and convenient industrial crushing equipment, most chemical industries, polymer materials need to be used, the AlPa crusher is smudged, the granules are delicate, affordable.

Pin Mill for Cerium Oxide is a comminuted device that is widely applied at the current phase, which has a very good fineness in production, which can be finely pulverized silicon carbide, metal , Ore and other substances, and can also perform the production of ceramics, medicine, and biochemical products with high purity requirements.

ALPA Baba Pin Mill for Cerium Oxide case share: The company is a chemical enterprise, it is necessary to make ultrafish smashing on small soda, investigate a number of powder equipment companies, and finally chose our Alpa's Pin Mill for for. CERIµm OXIDE.
Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: D97: 20µm
Production capacity: 10-220kg

ALPA technology research and development crushing equipment has been applied in many actual engineering cases, Basic information is provided for objective understanding of jet grading technology.

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