Ring Roller Mill for Donkey hide gelatin

Date:2021-08-30 17:49:32 | Views:

Modern production not only pursues production and finished product quality, but also develops in the direction of environmentally friendly energy. Especially in the comminution industry, the overall development trend of Ring Roller Mill for Donkey Hide Gelatin technology is stable, especially the overall development trend of Ring Roller Mill for Donkey Hide Gelaton, strong, high quality, etc.

Ring Roller Mill for Donkey Hide Gelatin institution reasonable, stable operation, low energy consumption, large crushing capacity, small size, no malfunction, easy cleaning and maintenance. Typically, the outer casing uses water-cooled and self-produced air volume, transporting a powder material, low temperature rise, and the thermal material can be pulverized. The blade wear is reduced by using a large number of ultrasonic vortices generated by the back surface of the blade and the high frequency pressure. Compact structure, no dust overflow.

AlPa Relith Ring Ring Roller Mill for Donkey Hide Gelatin case share: This customer is a large-scale comprehensive group company specializing in the mining, powder processing and sales of heavy crystalline mines, which is from the customer. Foreign imported crystal stone crushing equipment. Later, by understanding, we know that our ALPA Limited Ultrafine Crushed Equipment, in terms of performance, in terms of foreign countries, and far exceeds foreign countries. Finally, after many exam, we purchased the Ring Rolia Mill for Donkey Hide Gelatin from our company.

Technical parameters:
Finished granularity: 1250 mesh
Production capacity: 1.2-1.5T

Weifang AlPa airflow crusher price, our company is equipped with large-scale test workshops to meet different customers 1: 1 Industrial Test the product granularity from 100 mesh-6000 points, mainly for new energy materials and other industries

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