cell mill for Desulfurizer

Date:2021-08-30 17:49:35 | Views:

We all know that Cell Mill for Desulfurizer is a strong airflow crushing equipment. Many stubborn and hard materials have been cut into a uniform block,

Cell Mill for FOR DesulFurizer is different from other crushers, which is a pulverized pulverizer for a crusher for impacting and shear, high-speed airflow, impact, friction and shearing, etc. of the material. It has the following main features:

1. The grinding temperature is low, which can be pulverized, low melting material. According to the high-speed jet Joule effect, when the gas is thermally expanded, the gas will cool itself, thus canceling the heat generated by collision and friction.
2, short production cycle, high release rate. Due to high-speed collisions and closed crushing, the probability of collision between materials is very large, and dust does not leak.
3, a product having high purity (less pollution), uniform particle size distribution (D95 cumulative frequency) can be obtained.
4. Some materials that require wet pulverization can also be pulverized by airflow pulverization to achieve uniform and small powder.
5, a variety of joint operations can be implemented, and drying operations can be achieved. It can be seen that the research hotspot of the air pulverizer is very highlighted, and it plays a raised role in the pharmaceutical industry.
ALPA Quartz Powder: Non-Metallic Melt Composite Powder Cell Mill for Desulfurizer Case Sharing:
A new material company is a national high-tech enterprise integrating R & D, production, sales and technical services. The company focuses on the pressure and challenges of customers, excavation of the potential of inorganic non-metallic materials, integrating various organic materials, providing excellent function and low-cost split solution through unique core technology and core advantages, providing excellent function and low-cost split solutions, vigorously expanding new energy, Application of New Materials, Environmental Saving and Energy Saving and Energy Saving.
The company and the domestic inorganic non-metallic materials, the company, the advantageous resources, excellent reserves cooperation, and the establishment of an ecological chain platform, serving major multinational companies, listed companies and excellent domestic small and medium-sized enterprises, and continuously introducing cost-effective products. Create customer value and achieve capital appreciation.
Case parameters:

ProductParticle size: D100: 14µm

Horses Yield: 600kg

The company produces a variety of Cell Mill for DesulFurizer and airflow mills, complete test methods and sample equipment and laboratory equipment, production of pulverizer Widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, minerals, electronics, pesticides, ceramics and other industries. To purchase products, please contact us.

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