Ring Roller Mill for Water atomization feni50

Date:2021-08-31 09:20:42 | Views:

Many friends who want to produce industrialized are certainly unfamiliar with Ring Roller Mill for Water Atomization Feni50, Ring Roller Mill for Water Atomization Feni50 has the characteristics of convenient, crushing speed, crushing product quality, is a very Used pulverizer.

RING ROLLER MILL for Water Atomization Feni50 and cyclone separators, dust collectors and air machines have become a complete crushing system. After filtration of compressed air is dried, the high-speed nozzle is sprayed into the pulverized chamber, repeated collision, friction and shear at the intersection of the plurality of high pressure airflows, and pulverized the material.

The crushing material is moved from the rising airflow to the pulverizer under the suction of the fan, producing a strong centrifuge generated by a high speed rotary pulley. Under the action of force, the fine particles are separated, and the cyclone and dust collectors are collected by the pulverizing wheel according to particle size particles, and the coarse particles fall into the pulverized region to continue to be pulverized.
ALPA Cassava Starch Ring Roller Mill for Water Atomization Feni50 Case Sharing: This customer is a new panel industry, dedicated to providing professional and excellent plywood new fillers for plywood industry customers. Starch ultrafine pulverization equipment is required during the production process of the company. Multi-party examine, finally purchased the CSM1100-V mechanical grinder from our AlPa.
Technical parameters:

Finished particle size: 98% over 325 mesh

Production capacity: 2T

AlPa also believes that future airflow crushing technology will become better and better. Users who need to purchase such products can contact us.

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