pin mill for Kettle residue polymer

Date:2021-08-31 09:58:20 | Views:

Due to the wide application of Pin Mill for Kettle Residue Polymer, the research and development of classifying machines at home and abroad attaches great importance to In the current market, there is a great development space.

With the increasing social demand, the performance, product quality, etc. of Pin Mill for Kettle Residue Polymer are facing huge challenges. Therefore, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. persisted, continuously improved equipment ultrafine crush strength, particle size distribution, particle crystal form, etc., to achieve more production.
ALPA, strive to achieve low energy consumption, high yield, non-pollution, achieve good granularity, dispersion, unique and potential performance of the product, improve the competitiveness of powder crusher, and realize the environment Protection and low power performance.

ALPA CD PIN MILL for Kettle Residue Polymer case Share: This customer is a large-scale comprehensive group company specializing in the mining, powder processing and sales of heavy crystalline mines, which is from abroad. Imported crystalline stone crushing equipment. Later, by understanding, we know that our ALPA Limited Ultrafine Crushed Equipment, in terms of performance, in terms of foreign countries, and far exceeds foreign countries. Finally, after many exam, I purchased the PIN MILL for Kettle Residue Polymer from our company.

Technical parameters:
finished particle size: 1250 mesh
Production capacity: 1.2-1.5T

If the superfine classifier, precision classifier, jet classifier is intention, Can contact us directly, product quality is guaranteed, prices are fair, perfect, welcome everyone to buy!

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