working principle of pin mill

Date:2021-08-31 10:25:25 | Views:

With the rapid growth of China's economy, high-energy mining machinery industry, especially Working PrinciPle of Pin Mill will have a huge development space, and various mineral powder products will develop rapidly. In order to ensure sustainable development, green, environmentally friendly, healthy bed jet rubbing equipment and products more extensive in the entire mineral powder industry. When applied to people's lives, it is necessary to optimize the use of equipment technology.

Working PrinciPle of Pin Mill uses high intelligent control system, easy to operate, easy to adjust, long service life, the main lossible parts affecting system equipment life is a pulverizer, if wear is seriously replaced, Impact the equipment pulverization accuracy.

AlPa Quartz Powder Working PrinciPle of Pin Mill Sharing:

The main products of a silicon micron powder include molten stone sand, molten silicon fine powder, soft composite silicon fine powder, high purity ultrafine silicon powder, active silicon powder, Crystalline silicon fine powder, spherical silicon fine powder and other specifications are complete.
Main uses: photovoltaic solar industry and electronic packaging materials, high temperature refractory materials, aerospace materials, quartz glass tubes, quartz ceramic rolls, and coated copper industries.
Case parameters:
Product particle size: Remove 20µm with fine powder
hour yield: sorting efficiency 60-90%

ALPA is a power classifier, precision classifier, experiment The manufacturer of equipment and other equipment, we have years of production experience in the production of products, and we have achieved a lot of important breakthroughs in the field of mechanical products. I believe that you will be available in our products. The primary choice.

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