cell mill of Graphene

Date:2021-08-31 10:51:16 | Views:

Cell Mill of Graphene can be used in the current stage of industrial production process, and AlPA has been committed to the development and application of equipment such as classifiers for many years, and the grading we produced during many years of development. The machine has gradually begun to develop in the direction of modernization, and we believe that we can provide a set of production planning programs in a large range.

Cell Mill of Graphene high intelligent control system, is simple, flexible and convenient adjustment, long life, mainly affect the wearing parts system equipment life is a crushing blade, if not timely replacement of badly worn it will affect Device smashing accuracy.

AlPa Quartz Powder Cell Mill of Graphene Case Sharing:
The main business scope of a silicon material includes: quartz, 坩 坩 waste processing, production; silicon fine powder, square stone, molten stone, quartz sand, kaolin, Flame retardant sales; self-operated and proxy products and technical import and export business
Case parameters:
Product particle size: D97: 5-75µm
Hour Yield: 20-100kg

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