Turbo Mill of Tea

Date:2021-09-10 08:16:16 | Views:

We all know that Turbo Mill of TEA is a very strong airflow crushing equipment. Many stubborn hard materials will be cut into a uniform block of pulverization,

Turbo Mill of TEA uses a high intelligent control system, easy to operate, convenient, long service life, and the main lesible components that affect the service life of the system equipment are the pulverizer. If the wear is seriously replaced, it will affect the equipment and comminution accuracy.

ALPA Ceriμm Turbo Mill of TEA Case Sharing: The customer is an research institute in a well-known university in China, and the ceriμm oxide is ultrafinely pulverized during the study. The Turbo Mill of TEA was purchased in our AlPa.

Ceriμm oxide mechanical grinder technology parameters:
Finished granularity: 200-2000 mesh
Production capacity: 10-30kg

As a crusher, Shandong AlPa has been working hard for customers Provide greater value, the fineness, production capacity, installation site of each project is important information for custom selection, pre-sales service, 24-hour online customer service to answer questions, provide an ideal crusher production line solution And accordingly, it provides the factory quotation to increase the escort for the ceriμm oxide crushing project.

I hope everyone can buy the favorite airflow crusher product!

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