Hammer Mill for stem

Date:2021-09-16 08:29:38 | Views:

With the continuous development of pulverizer technology, Hammer Mill for STEM has gradually penetrated into people's daily life.

Hammer Mill for STEM should be installed in a place where the site is flat.

Before working, it is necessary to pick up the processing material, no metal, stone, etc., hard substances, etc., so as not to damage parts or failures in the machine. Check that each component is firm and reliable before booting. Everything is normal, you can work on the power, turn it in 1-2 minutes, check whether the operation is normal, everything is normal, it can be pushed.
When operating, the operator cannot leave. Once the sound is abnormal, the power should be disconnected immediately.
When machining raw new friends Chinese medicine crusher, the discharge opening should be tied to the bag. When the pulverizer is in use, if you encounter a power supply voltage, do not use it, so as not to damage the motor. When the power supply voltage is normal, the machine is not easily damaged, and the production efficiency is high.

ALPA Composite Powder Hammer Mill for STEM Case Sharing: This customer is a renewable resource company that requires a different particle size selection of composite powder to select ultrafine powder less than 30 μm. Investigate a nμmber of domestic grading equipment manufacturers, did not find the right equipment, and finally found the right equipment in our AlPa, and selected our vertical grade machine equipment. Product particle size: D97 ≤ 30μm hour yield: 80T
Welcome major composite powder manufacturers to visit, incompetent experiments.

Shandong AlPa Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is a world-renowned particle and powder processing system provider. If you want to consult related questions, you can get the answer you want by asking Shandong AlPa, but it is not only Is a price of a device, there may be a powder technology solution in your industry, welcome to call us.

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