Single Classify Wheel Classifier for monosodium glutamate

Date:2021-09-23 09:57:13 | Views:

Single Classify Wheel Classifier for monosodium glutamate works: The power machine of purification of dried compressed air. The compressed air is sprayed to the crushing chamber at high speed over a special supersonic nozzle. The airflow has a high speed movement of the material, causing strong collision, friction and shear between materials and materials, thereby achieving breaking. Outlet, enter the collection system. The pulverized material rises into the classification chamber to meet the particle size required by the particle size, and the particles do not reach the particle size required to continue pulverization. The entire production process is fully closed, continuous operation, no dust pollution, purified by dust removal, filtration.

Next, a small series together and everyone Learning Single Classify Wheel Classifier for monosodium glutamate inspection step. Single Classify Wheel Classifier for monosodium glutamate is achieved ultrafine grinding devices using air separation dry materials, the weight of the polishing, the form of shear. It consists of a cylindrical crushed chamber, a polishing wheel, a polishing rail, a fan, a material collection system, and the like. The material enters the cylindrical pulverizing chamber by the feed opening, and is crushed by the polishing wheel that is circumferential movement along the grinding rail, and dissensibly. The pulverized material brings out the pulverizer through the negative pressure air flow caused by the fan, into the material collection system, filtered through the filter bag, the air is discharged, the material, the dust is collected, and the pulverization is completed. After the disc airflow pulverizer is opened, first examine whether the equipment is damaged in the transportation, then put the high machine and the auxiliary electric control device in place, then turn on the pipeline of the main aircraft, each pipe opening is assembled. The "iron anchor 609" liquid sealing glue is coated with a seal to ensure the sealing of the pipe, and each single machine and pipe are connected to the ground wire and grounded to avoid dust explosions caused by electrostatic sparks. Before each stand-alone trial operation, check whether there is a metal item in the machine, if there is an exclusion. Whether the bolt is firm, the tightness of the belt, the reliability of the shield, and the like. After five minutes of empty car, the operator should carefully observe the various instruments on the control cabinet, and they can be pushed after the electric carrier current is stable. After feeding, do not allowXu current exceeds the rated value of 32.6A, otherwise it should be subjected to the amount to ensure that normal operation is electrically fixed. The stepless speed handle of the classifier can change the speed of the hierarchy wheel while achieving the excellent adjustment of the product. If the particle size of the article is required, the speed can be improved, and the rotational speed is reduced, and large particle size particles can be reduced. The above is the normal acceptance operation process after the user receives the normal acceptance operation of Single Classify Wheel Classifier for MonosoDium glutamate. You can try to use it

Shandong Alpa Powder Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to Single Classify Wheel Classifier for MonosoDium Glutamate Have a mature process process, the company has strong technical strength, specializing in Single Classify Wheel Classifier for MonoSodium Glutamate, survive in quality, welcome everyone to come to consult.

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