Single Classify Wheel Classifier for rice

Date:2021-09-23 09:57:16 | Views:

Airflow pulverized product except for particle size, there is also a narrow particle size distribution, smooth particle surface, particle shape regular, high purity, high activity, good activity, and good activity. Since Single Classify Wheel Classifier For Rice generates a Juromon cooling effect during the crushing process, it is also suitable for ultrafine pulverization of low melting points and thermal materials. The gas-solid ratio in the pulverization process is an important technical parameter and important indicator. If the gas is too small, the kinetic energy of the airflow will be insufficient, which will affect the fineness of the product. However, if the gas ratio is too high, not only the amount of energy is wasteful, but even the dispersion of certain particles will also becomerated. When the feed is grained, when the hard material is pulverized, the particle size of the feed is more stringent. In the case of titanium powder, when the calcined material is pulverized, it is necessary to control 100-200 mesh; the material after the pulverization surface is generally 40-70, and cannot exceed 2-5 mesh.

Let's introduce the working principle of the Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Rice device: L, the hierarchical device uses the attachment of the radiograph to effectively combine the inertial force, centrifugal force, and suspension force to design into a novel super Fine powder jet classifier. The grading machine has reached, high precision, can be graded, medium and fine powder three levels of products. 2, the jet classifier has no moving parts, with high pressure air as a working medium. Reliability for the classifier host, convenient maintenance and maintenance. The adjustment of grading granularity is also very convenient, and only the flow meter and several gate valves disposed on the machine can easily adjust the grading particle size.

In the production process, Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Rice is wide, how do you operate more secure? 1, use the grader to use according to the regulations, do not exceed the range of use, machine. 2. If the super-fine classifier is running, the operator does not stand in the range of rotation to avoid accidents. 3. Before working, the staff is in order to ensure its own safety, wear a predetermined work costume. 4, when the grading machine is added, do not hard to add the machine. 5. If the classifier begins to work, the staff willDon't leave, prevent problems. 6. If the ultrafine classifier is discovered, stop checking. 7. Do not open the cover or other actions before the classifier is not completely stopped, if you want to operate, you need to completely stop it.

Shandong ALPA powder produced various types of crusher, can be a variety of materials such as medicinal materials, ingredients, chemicals, etc., with a maximum effect. Our products are non-standardized products, which will customize their products based on your needs, and make a reasonable offer according to the product.

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