Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Drug granules

Date:2021-09-23 09:57:19 | Views:

Single Classify Wheel Classifier for Drug Granules is an industrial equipment. With the development of society and the needs of people's lives, the demand for various fine powder is increasingly large, fine, purity and pass rates for various fine powders. Requirements are also increasing, and the application of classification machines is increasingly wide.

SINGLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER for Drug Granules is a high-speed airflow to form a high-speed airflow with multiple relative-arranged nozzles to achieve ultrafine pulverization. The crushed material enters the grading chamber with the rising airflow. Since the grading rotor is high-speed rotation, the particles are subjected to the centrifugal force generated by the hierarchical rotor, and the center of heart is generated by the viscous effect of the airflow. When the centrifugal force of the particles is greater than the heart force, that is, the fractional particle diameter The coarse particles return to the pulverizing chamber to continue the impact, fine particles flow into the cyclone separator, collectors, and the gas is discharged from the air. Low temperature without medium smashing, ensuring high purity and physical properties of the product. The equipment runs no dust pollution in a negative pressure state. The full use of jet is more than 30% of the conventional gas flow milling machine, and the grading accuracy is higher. ALPA equipment is small, and the structure of the pulverizer can be highly machined ultrafine powder, avoiding the wear of the horizontal grading machine grading part, and the service life of the equipment and easy-to-load load under the same material is multiple products. Small granularity is wide, and the product particle size can be arbitrarily adjusted within 1-74um.

SINGLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER For Drug Granules Technical Features: 1. High purity, non-polluting, unique crushing cavity and grading wheel design, enabling products without impurities, improve product purity. 2. Granular concentration: The vertical impeller used in the machine is classified. Stable grading technology and special sealing measures effectively prevent leakage of crude particles, so that the product does not have large particles and concentrated particles. 3. The structure is reasonable: 1-6 granular products can be produced simultaneously according to user requirements. 4. High degree of automation: The impeller grading machines at all levels adopt electronic frequency modulated regulation, automatic circulation dust removal process, electronic control, automatic cleaning, and improve the mechanical negative pressure stability.

Single Classify during productionWheel Classifier for Drug Granules generates certain noise, the main reason for generating noise is: (1) When the coal mill is running at high speed, the running component drives the air to generate a "whistle" call: (2) When the device is running. The sound of vibration is generated; (3), the rubbing between the turntable or the hammer and the drug; the rotating part itself is friction. For noise generated, the main solution is as follows: (1) add lubricating oil to each rotating member, if the bearing and the axis are misalign, adjust the bearing wear, replace the bearing; (2) The heat generated during the crushing process also produces noise Cooling through the crushing chamber water cooled cooling, the muffler is mounted in the air intake port of the pulverization chamber; (3) damping the damping pad and other devices.

If you still have questions, you can directly contact the ALPA Technology Co., Ltd., warmly welcome users to come to consult, our company equipment is manufactured, the size is complete, there is a suitable for you!

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