Single Classify Wheel Classifier of yeast powder

Date:2021-09-24 10:30:04 | Views:

As is well known, Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Yeast Powder This product technology has received extensive attention from the industry.

SINGLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER OF YEAST POWDER adopts high intelligent control system, easy to operate, convenient, long service life, affects the main lossable parts of system equipment life is a grading knife, if wear is seriously replaced If it affects the grading accuracy of the equipment.

In the conventional dispersion pulverization process, it is difficult to overcome the phenomenon of heating, viscology. The machine uses a swirling high-speed rotational movement to produce a strong gas stream within the mill. The material enters the crushing room under the negative pressure of the feed port. The vortex vibration generated by the strong gas flow between the blade and the module is generated by impact, shearing and grinding. The heat of the pulverizer is taken away by the airflow, and the heat generated during the crushing process will not accumulate. The finished powder from the screen stream, improves the milling fineness, can be adjusted by the screen production efficiency, uniform fineness.

Any mechanical equipment that has certain precautions before use, must check the precautions for operation, so that the damage rate is minimized, so Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Yeast Powder is in use. What preventive measures take? 1. Check whether the firmware is tightened before use, whether the spindle direction is correct, so as not to damage the machine. 2, lubrication should be carried out as required to make the machine to operate normally. 3, the material cannot be mixed before the grinder is added to avoid damaging the pulverizer. 4. Do not treat foreign matter in time to avoid damage to the tool. 5. When using the crusher, if there is abnormality, it should be handled immediately to avoid a large loss. 6. If damage should be replaced immediately, certain components should be checked regularly.

Shandong AlPa supplies a variety of Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Yeast Powder. If you need to purchase Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Yeast Powder, please feel free to contact us.

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