Single Classify Wheel Classifier of Olive nucleus

Date:2021-09-24 10:30:16 | Views:

SINGLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER OF OLIVE NUCLEUS As the name, it is a mechanical equipment applied to the production area, which is used in pulverizing particles, fast pulverity, good precision.

In the conventional dispersion pulverization process, it is difficult to overcome the phenomenon of heating, viscology. The machine uses a swirling high-speed rotational movement to produce a strong gas stream within the mill. The material enters the crushing room under the negative pressure of the feed port. The vortex vibration generated by the strong gas flow between the blade and the module is generated by impact, shearing and grinding. The heat of the pulverizer is taken away by the airflow, and the heat generated during the crushing process will not accumulate. The finished powder from the screen stream, improves the milling fineness, can be adjusted by the screen production efficiency, uniform fineness.

SINGLE CLASSIFY WHEEL CLASSIFIER OF OLIVE NUCLEUS Bearing parts are prone to malfunction, and wear is large in use, therefore requires regular maintenance, often refueling to increase the life of the bearings. Daily maintenance impact crusher to ensure that the crushing equipment is in good technical state, can be put into operation, shorten the residence time, improve the integrity of the crusher, reduce the wear, and extend the service life of the crusher; Maintenance, mandatory, correct treatment, maintenance and repair is not allowed to be used alone.

In addition to Single Classify Wheel Classifier Of Olive Nucleus, ALPA Technology Co., Ltd. also supplies powder classifiers, super fine classifiers, precision classifiers, ultrafine gas flow graders, jet grades, etc. Welcome Buy!

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